I’m Marcin Ignac - a data artist and founder of studio Variable.

I believe data is not just a number and through my work I explore the possibilities of technology mediated creativity.

I live in London / UK where together with my team at Variable we work on new ways of experiencing data. My interest span generative design algorithms, large scale data visualisation, real-time 3d graphics and tools for thought.

You can reach me at marcin@variable.io or follow @marcinignac on twitter.


Lern about my studio Variable and our vision of data, Generative Art, Data Viz R&D and Bespoke Design Tools.

More of my projects and experiments.

From Abstraction to Realism & Back

Eyeo festival talk about my journey so far, data driven process and thoughts on survelience capitalism.

More of my talks & interviews.


I'm one co-creator of Nodes - your thinking canvas for exploring ideas with code.

More of my tools.

Read only interfaces

Latest essay on my personal deep content exploration tools (coming soon).

More of my writing and blog posts.