DR P3 Guld’09
Together with shiftcontrol studios from Copenhagen we created live visuals for P3 Guld’09 Music Awards. This event organized by danish public radio broadcaster and was held in Copenhagen Concert Hall. Given a LED screen with size 900x48px we were asked to create visuals for two live performances.
For the first one – Mike Sheridan and Maya Albana – we created and interactive FFT visualization. It was composed of two waves based on Mike’s music and second reacting to Maya voice. The idea is that Maya’s voice lifts spectrum of Mike’s sounds. We were able to manually adjust starting position of both waves so they followed musicians on the stage. The application was developed by me in the Processing environment. Jorgen from shiftcontrol that was supervising me during development was using it to control the visuals during the show.
Second visual set was for The Wong Boys. Application that I developed beside reacting to music was able to swich between different animation modes and video sequences using keyboard shortcuts. Footage for this performance was inspired by Wong Boys music clip but was animated and controlled in realtime. In this case I was playing during the show.