3D Sculpture Painting
,One of the final 3d prints
3d sculpture painting is a series of experiments about capturing motion in a physical object. We use WiiMote controller as a virual brush to paint in 3d space. Next created shapes are brought to life using rapid prototyping techniques like 3d printing. The project was a collaboration between me and Flemming Tvede Hansen as a part of his PhD thesis at DKDS.,Early application screen
,Final application screen
Beside reacting to hand movement the application can be controlled by several parameters:
- min and max size of the brush depending on movement speed
- swtich between spheres and cubes
- interpolation smoothness
- enabling external forces like wind and gravity
- strength of attractors modifying geometry
All the created object could be rotated in 3d for previewing and exported as .OBJ mesh ready to be printed.
Here is video of Flemming playing with the application:
,Another one of the final 3d prints
To track position in 3d space I use two IR LEDs and IR camera inside WiiMote to determine the position of the hand.
,trueFirst version of the software were quite limited but still produced interesting results.
,Early prints